The Canon SX70 HS
Dental Kit
The Canon SX70 is the latest in a long line of compact cameras that work beautifully for Dental Photography. In this kit, two easily accessed custom settings are pre-programmed to make foolproof, professional quality dental images. All you need to do is turn a dial!
What makes this the best camera for dental photography?
Dual Diffusers = Professional Lighting
Accurate lighting is important and the SX70 with Dual Diffusers does it beautifully. No expensive macro lenses required. Just slide the diffusers into place and you are ready to go.
No additional lenses also means you don’t have to take the diffusers off to shoot portraits. In fact, portraits turn out better when you leave the diffusers in place. The flash position directly above the lens means the light is perfectly balanced by default. No fancy attachments or mirrors needed!
Pre-Programming Makes Your Life Easy
With over 30 different menu changes I program the correct exposure, focus, color balance, flash intensity, zoom, magnification, depth of field, and more enabling you to make perfect dental images with just a twist of the dial!

Turning the dial to C2 enables you to make accurate intraoral images at a 1:2 field of view for a full smile, retracted anterior, buccal corridor, lateral smile or full occlusal arch.

With the push of a button you can switch to a 1:1 field of view for partial quadrants, shade tab views, or small prep area shots.

When you’re ready to shoot portraits or profiles simply turn the dial to C1 then point and shoot!
Perfect Focus Every Time
The ability to set focus manually is crucial to maintaining consistent image size. The SX70 allows for this and has a feature to let you know when your subject is in perfect focus.
It's called MF (manual focus) Peaking. With MF Peaking enabled the subject is outlined with thin, neon red edges when critical focus is achieved making it fool-proof to get perfectly sharp images! All you do is set the dial to C2 then move the camera back and forth until the subject is framed in red then shoot!
Obtaining repeatable consistency in your dental images is simple with manual focus and MF Peaking!

A Simple Solution At A Great Price!
This is the most affordable, professional quality dental photography kit on the web!
I’m offering this setup as a complete kit for $1399.
KIT includes:
- Canon SX70 HS
- Pre-programed for general dentistry or orthodontics
- Dual Diffusers and Adapters
- Carrying case
- SD memory card & card reader
- Spare battery
- Lens cleaning kit
- Unlimited technical support for the life of the camera
- FREE SHIPPING in the continental US!
If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to contact me here.