About Rick
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I am a professional theater and live event photographer based in Minneapolis who also specializes in Digital Dental Photography.
Having worked 20 years for National Camera Exchange, the Midwest’s leading photo retailer, I have the skills to work with any make and model of camera equipment. My experience working at Apple and Adobe helps keep me abreast of the latest digital trends.
I have presented to Dental audiences everywhere from state and national meetings to study clubs and individual offices since 2001. My casual approach and colloquial style make learning digital dental photography easy, fun, and accessible.
Speaking Gigs
Minnesota Dental Association’s Star of the North Meeting
American Dental Association Annual Session, Tech Day presentation
Minnesota Dental Lab Association Annual meetings
University of Minnesota Continuing Dental Education Program
Port City Study Club, Wilmington, NC
Iowa Academy of General Dentistry
Minnesota Academy of Restorative Dentistry
American Society for Dental Aesthetics annual meeting
Puerto Rico Dental Association
International Team for Implantology, Burnsville, MN & Maple Grove, MN Study Club
Arizona Dental Association Annual Meeting